Let the children come to Me and don’t hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to them.
The Bible doesn’t tell children to become like adults to be saved. Rather it tells adults to become like children to be saved.
Children’s ministry is ministering to a person at the most critical time in their life. The mission of Arathana children s ministry is to guide our children into faith in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
We will strive to prepare these tender hearts not to look at Christianity as a mere religion but as a personal relationship with Jesus.
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Here at Arathana Church, we believe and endeavour to Partner with parents in the nurture and discipleship of their children in the Lord.
To introduce the foundations of our faith, including concepts such as grace, sin, mercy, and justice, through age-appropriate curriculum and experiences.
We believe that little feet will one day make big footprints.
To instill a deep-seated desire to:
- Love Christ (Know)
- Live for Christ (Serve)
- Lead others to Christ (Evangelize)
In order to accomplish the mission God has given us, this ministry is guided by the following core values:
Christ-centered— we commit to promoting a Christ-centered focus in the midst of a “me-centered” culture.
We commit to providing a solid biblical foundation for our children through a chronological study of God’s Word and by challenging our children to think deeply and in context. Specifically, we equip them to know and explain the authority of God’s Word, who God is, and the message of the Gospel. Finally, we also provide ample opportunity for meaningful Scripture memory so that God’s Word is hidden in their hearts.
We commit to praying both with and for our children so that they may become living messages that we send into this world.